建筑用巖棉制品 Architectural Rock Wool Products

The rock wool products for construction manufactured by our comnpany are mainly made of picked excellent natural basalt,dolomiteect., and the rock wool fiber is slender and flexible,featured with low shot content,low heat transfer coefficient and sound effects of heat insulation,sound absorption and noise reduction,Main characteristics are described as follows;
一、防火 Fire resistant
- Provided with fire resistance performance,effectively prevent fire spreading
- Stable size,not elongate,contract and deform in fir
- Resist high te,perature,without production of fume or toxic fume or conbustion liquid drops and fragile pieces
- Do not release substances or gases harmful to environment
二、無腐蝕性 No corrosion
Stable chemical property,PH value 7-8,neutral or low alkali,no corrosion against carbon steel ,stainless steel and other maeallic materials.
三、健康環保 Health and environment protection
在生產巖棉過程中未使用石棉,CFC,HFC ,HCFC等對環境有害的物質,不會被腐蝕或生產霉變產生細菌。
Asbestos,CFC,HFC,HCFC and other substances harmful to environment are not used in the process pf rock wool priduction,and corrosion,mold or bacteria will not be produces.
四、節能和減排 Energy saving and emission reduction|
The rock wool products for construction manufactured by the company have the effects of sound energy saving and emission reduction and can increase energy utilization effciency of entire building.
主要技術參數 Main technical parameters

A級耐火分隔施工節點 A Class Fire Resistant Construction Section

選用要點 Select points;
Ceramic fibre plate with glass cloth in accmmodation spaces.
Ceramic fibre plate with aluminium foil in machinery spaces.
Ceramic fibre casing pipe used in stiffener,bearnlay.